AFI International Group Inc.

Safe Terminations Reducing the Chance of Violence

By HR Vendor News | July 18, 2012

All too often management feels that removing an overly aggressive problem employee through a sudden termination, even if justified, will solve the potential workplace violence problem. The fact is that even with the best intentions a misconducted termination might be the seed of a more serious problem. A `need for revenge’ problem may develop if…

One Mans Garbage is an Investigators Treasure

By HR Vendor News | July 16, 2012

As the summer haze continues, so does the exertion and in most organizations the volume escalates in terms of demand. With the record breaking temperatures we are experiencing this year, we will no doubt see a much greater incentive (air conditioned or not) to be away from work. It’s as accurate as any formula; as…

Unions Reality vs. Perception

By HR Vendor News | June 7, 2012

Many Americans perceive unions as entities with declining membership and wielding much less power than in previous years. They see unions as having lost ground in this rapidly changing global economy. However, the reality is that labor is in the midst of transforming itself — at all levels. Local unions engage in new strategies for…

The Occupy Movement How to Prepare For an Event

By HR Vendor News | June 4, 2012

With the increasing popularity of the “Occupy Movement” and their high profile events in many cities, companies often wonder what they can do to prepare. This movement has become popular for a number of reasons that include but are not limited to: – The perception that there is an unjustifiable gap of wealth between the…

Workplace Violence: a Pinnacle of Warning Signs

By HR Vendor News | May 30, 2012

Workplace violence is not a problem unto itself. It is, in reality, a series of smaller problems that were left unaddressed. It is the culmination of many factors and influences, all of which may or may not have been early warning signs of a situation spiraling out of control. It is no secret that life…

Investigators Are on Standby Who Wants To Play Outside?

By HR Vendor News | May 24, 2012

It is general knowledge that the allotted vacation time in one’s work life is simply never enough; subjectively I don’t think anyone could or would argue this sentiment. Even though in certain occupations the norm or the accumulation can potentially add up to the entire summer, there will always be an invite to a getaway…

Workplace Violence Policy – Is yours up to speed?

By HR Vendor News | May 15, 2012

What types of conduct does your written workplace violence prevention policy define and include? If it is only limited to actual physical violence it will fall short of recent standards. Such standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA — see directive CPL 02-01-052 dated 9/8/11) and ASIS/SHRM’s Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention…

Labour Disputes Domino Effect

By HR Vendor News | May 2, 2012

Recently a strike by an auto parts supplier caused the shutdown of the minivan plant in Windsor, Ontario. Was this part of an overall strategy leading up to tough labour talks with the Big 3 in 2012 or a case of union member’s expectations not matching what could be offered. Based on comments in the…

Labor Union Voting Reduced

By HR Vendor News | April 20, 2012

The NLRB has been responsible for overseeing union representative elections and investigating unfair labor practice (ULP) charges for over 70 years. During this time the board has typically stayed away from controversy. Labor unions believe that regulators are to blame for their declining numbers by allowing employees an extended period of time prior to casting…

Operational Sustainability During a Crisis

By HR Vendor News | April 18, 2012

When a crisis hits your business there are many issues that need to be addressed simultaneously and rationally during what could be an emotionally charged time. Decisions have to be made regarding immediate and appropriate response to the event, be it an executive kidnapping, natural or man-made disaster, catastrophic accident, product integrity scandal, labor dispute,…