Career Collaborators® Program: A New Tool for Diversity Employee Resource Groups

Co-author, Joanne Dustin, former Director of Career Development for a global technology company, conceived of the program activities as part of the company’s diversity initiative, specifically to support the Women’s Initiative Network (WIN). The four modules of the Career Collaborators® program (Take Control of Your Career, Focus on What’s Possible Today, Identify the Skills and Experience You Need To Get Where You Want To Go, and Develop Your Three-Month Action Plan) provide useful structure for employee resource groups looking for additional activities and opportunities to think broadly and deeply about short- and longer-term career options.

“WIN provided a ready audience to pilot activities and to gather lessons learned on what career activities would be helpful to resource groups,” states Dustin. Second author, Elizabeth (Betty) Black, in her role as Executive Sponsor of WIN and the enterprise-wide diversity initiative adds, “We learned the importance of widening the aperture of career development to a broader view of career exploration. Our WIN members didn’t have specific jobs in mind or set career paths they wished to follow. What they did want were opportunities to talk with colleagues in an open, honest way, and they wanted the organization to provide just enough structure to help them if they reached an impasse. We had an eager community—they just needed some guidance and structure to explore their careers.”

About Synergy Consulting Collaborative, LLC
Synergy Consulting Collaborative, LLC , founded in 2006, is a consortium of experienced business consultants who support businesses and non-profit organizations with a special focus upon workforce planning and process re-engineering. Through its proprietary program, Career Collaborators®: Building Career Communities, SCC is able to help organizations build and sustain the workforce of the 21st century. In addition to the Career Collaborators® Program, SCC offers a variety of consulting services.

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Media Contact
Joanne Dustin
(617) 905-5213