DALLAS, Nov. 7, 2013–Assess Systems today introduced Select for Supervisors, a highly predictive, scientifically validated assessment that helps employers more effectively select, promote and develop supervisors and team leaders. Select for Supervisors is designed specifically for roles that encompass management and oversight of small work teams. Client research shows that Select for Supervisors predicts performance across a variety of industries (i.e., banking, call center, retail, etc.).
At a reasonable price point and an administration time of approximately 15 minutes, Select for Supervisors is a personality-based survey that scores individuals on the key characteristics that have been found to predict job effectiveness in supervisory positions. Some of these characteristics include:
– Energy (work pace)
– Leadership ability and willingness
– Productive attitude
– Persuasiveness
For each candidate, Select for Supervisors provides an overall fit score on leadership success. In addition, it provides details on candidate’s strengths and weaknesses allowing employers to objectively evaluate candidates against the key success factors. An Integrity/Work Ethic measure is also included to provide data around an applicant’s job commitment, work ethic and resistance to direction.
“Hiring the right leaders can have a huge impact on minimizing an organization’s turnover,” said Keith McCook, Assess System’s Director of Research & Science. “One of the top reasons employees leave an organization is because of their relationship with their direct supervisor. Unfortunately, many companies simply promote their best individual contributors to supervisory and team-lead positions. The characteristics required to be a good supervisor are different from those required to be a good individual contributor. Select for Supervisors can improve the odds of finding those good supervisors by assessing for the right characteristics in the first place.”
Other Powerful Features
Select for Supervisors reports back a candidate’s experience with tasks directly related to management such as hiring and firing employees, setting work schedules, resolving customer complaints and maintaining a budget/managing expenses. It organizes these responses into an Experience Checklist, making it easy for organizations to evaluate and compare candidates for a supervisory role.
“Select for Supervisors also gives hiring managers great insight on topics to discuss in the job interview,” McCook said. “Any red flags in the candidate’s assessment are highlighted for a hiring manager to address in the interview. Behavioral interview questions and candidate specific probes are presented for follow-up in the interview, allowing for a more targeted, thorough evaluation of candidates than an interview alone.”
While Select for Supervisors is primarily a talent selection solution, it can also be used for development of new hires. Once the candidate is hired, companies can use the information from the assessment to determine characteristics the new hires should improve and to prioritize training, especially during onboarding.
About Assess Systems
Assess Systems is an innovative SaaS and consulting company providing talent selection and people development solutions to organizations worldwide. Focusing on person-job-organization fit, our assessment-based solutions help our clients attract, select, develop and promote talent resulting in improved business outcomes. For more than 25 years, Assess Systems has assessed millions of people in a broad spectrum of industries and positions spanning 42 countries and supporting 16 languages. Our solutions include: selection process design; competency modeling; entry-level assessments; competency-based professional, management, and sales assessments; hiring manager interview guides and eLearning; leadership development programs; 360° feedback; succession planning; executive assessment and coaching. For additional information, please call 972-233-6055 or visit http://www.assess-systems.com.
Media Contacts:
Diane Ianni
Assess Systems
Eric Anderson
fisher VISTA/HRmarketer