Few Companies Have Top-Notch Learning Cultures – According to New Study by the HR Research Institute

Performance of employee learning programs is not where it could be, especially in this time of remote work and increased technology for communications and work processes.  Among HR departments that use at least one learning technology, only about two-fifths (39%) say they are satisfied with their learning technologies.

The free research report, The State of Learner Experience, Engagement, and Solutions 2020, is now available for download.  HR.com’s Research Institute conducted the study of HR professionals to better understand the state of the learning culture in the workplace and learning technologies and the effect on engagement.

Learning technology is fairly widespread as most companies (83%) use at least one learning technology for the purposes of providing learning to their employees.  Only one-quarter of HR professionals agree that their learning technologies are well integrated with one another. Also, about the same small proportion say their learning platform is integrated with their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Regardless of this dissatisfaction and lack of integration, a majority believe that the learners are experiencing positive outcomes (69%).  However few report they have good metrics and analytics in the learner experience (13%), engagement (10%), and success (14%) that can verify such outcomes.

“With the pandemic testing businesses like never before, companies need to ensure that employees can stay informed and learn on the fly more than ever,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of HR.com.  “Organizations will need to get it right with building a better learning culture if they want to survive and thrive in our demanding times.”

Download the full report which includes details on seven key takeaways to help HR departments gain insights into how to improve the learning culture, technologies, and strategies.

DOWNLOAD RESEARCH REPORT:     https://web.hr.com/sw5e


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For more information, contact:
Debbie McGrath
Chief Instigator and CEO, HR.com