Applicant Tracking Systems Are Widespread But Many Still Have Their Weaknesses – According to New Study by

Most human resource (HR) professionals (77%) say their organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), but only about half (52%) say that their hiring process is good or excellent. It’s clear that the systems are not a recruitment panacea, but their weaknesses can be addressed.

The free research report, The State of Applicant Tracking Systems, and informative infographic are now available for download.’s Research Institute conducted the study to examine the state of ATS applications in terms of adoption, effectiveness, and possible future trends.

Notable research insights point to a number of weaknesses in ATS utilization for hiring.  Just 30% of HR professionals say their ATS is good or fair at automatically matching candidates to the right job postings and then alerting the recruiter. Only 33% are good or fair at offering candidates a personalized experience.

Looking ahead to the near future, HR participants say they expect to see even greater personalization (62%) and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities (55%).

“It’s after implementing an ATS when companies need to take the more difficult steps to optimize the features and functionality. A commitment to ongoing training, feedback, metrics, and tracking will help maximize the benefits of your ATS and bring strategic advantages,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of

Download the full report and infographic which include details on eight key takeaways to help HR successfully utilize ATS tools to yield better talent acquisition results.



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For more information, contact:

Debbie McGrath
Chief Instigator and CEO,