Birkman International Recognized for Fourth Consecutive Year as one of Houston's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For(R)

Houston, Texas, April 13, 2017 – For the fourth consecutive year, Birkman has been named by The National Association of Business Resources as one of Houston’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For(R). This recognition honors companies that reflect and amplify the program’s mission–Better Business. Richer Lives. Stronger Community. These companies push organizational standards forward, foster constructive environments, and display a commitment to their team members and community. Winners were honored Monday morning at an awards celebration at the Houston Marriott West Loop.

The criteria for the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For(R) include: Communication and Shared Vision, Community Initiatives, Compensation, Benefits and Employee Solutions, Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Achievement and Recognition, Employee Education and Development, Employee Enrichment, Engagement and Retention, Recruitment, Selection and Orientation, Strategic Company Performance, and Work-Life Balance. During the selection process, each nominee must participate in a comprehensive evaluation of the company’s strengths and opportunities, and the company is then benchmarked against other participants in their region and across the nation.

Sharon Birkman, President and CEO, explains, “Being recognized as one of Houston’s Best and Brightest for the fourth consecutive year is truly an honor as it is indicative of the culture and values that have been driving our company since it was founded by my father, Dr. Roger Birkman, in 1951. As we look to the future, these core values will remain ingrained in every decision we make, maintaining the integrity of our assessment while facilitating growth that will allow us to carry forward my father’s legacy.”

At its core, Birkman is a family-run company that is committed to the success and satisfaction of its employees, offering cutting-edge HR benefits including flexible schedules, monthly birthday celebrations, ample PTO, and company-sponsored professional development.

About Birkman
Birkman is a behavioral and occupational assessment company dedicated to helping people and organizations improve communication and performance. The Birkman Method provides insights into a person’s Interests, Usual Behaviors, Needs, and Stress Behaviors in memorable report formats that are both empowering and constructive. Birkman is a favorite choice of organizational development and HR professionals, life coaches, career counselors, educators, and consultants. The Birkman Method has decades of proven scientific validity and continues to stay at the forefront of the personality assessment field.

About Best and Brightest Companies to Work For(R)
The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For(R) competition identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to the excellence in operations and employee enrichment that lead to increased productivity and financial performance. This competition scores potential winners based on regional data of company performance and a set standard across the nation. This program celebrates those companies that are making better businesses, creating richer lives, and building a stronger community as a whole.

To learn more about Birkman International, please contact
Christina Clark, Marketing Specialist
3040 Post Oak Blvd # 1425
Houston, TX 77056
Office: 713-623-2760