Boosting Employee Engagement Levels Still A Challenge For HR – According To New Study By’s Research Institute

Employee engagement is a critical driver for productivity and business success, but increasing employee engagement continues to be a struggle for many organizations. There are several strategies that are proving effective for many HR professionals.

Recently released and available for download,’s Research Institute’s research report, The State of Employee Engagement in 2019: Leverage leadership and culture to maximize engagement, is the second annual study tracking and measuring the effectiveness of engagement programs.

Study analysis reveals that, more than anything else, leadership and immediate supervisors drive employee engagement. About 8 in 10 HR professionals believe that engagement is highly linked to trust in leadership (81%) and the relationship with the immediate supervisor (79%). In addition, the data shows that immediate supervisors and top leaders are perceived to be primarily responsible for engagement.

In looking at the metrics of engagement, frequent tracking and measurement of engagement levels is not yet mainstream. Only ten percent of HR professionals say their organizations measure engagement continuously, while nearly a quarter of respondents measure it monthly, quarterly, or every six months.

“Management has a long way to go to optimize their workforce engagement. Commitment to ongoing measuring and tracking of the employees starts at the top. If they want to be successful, their employees should feel they are working in an environment where they can thrive and feel appreciated,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of

By dividing respondents into two cohorts according to their organization’s engagement effectiveness, several comparisons were made to determine what actions might influence discretionary effort. More successful organizations are boosting boost engagement levels through improved leadership, more frequent measurement, better employee recognition, and greater career opportunities.

For more information on the The State of Employee Engagement in 2019 survey and to gain key strategic takeaways from this exclusive industry research, the full report and corresponding infographic is available for free download:


The survey was fielded in the first quarter of 2019. There were complete responses from 414 participating HR professionals representing a broad cross-section of employers.

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For more information, contact:
Debbie McGrath
Chief Instigator and CEO,