Announcing “ for Enterprise: Learning-as-a-Service,” an immersive professional education experience using a subscription model that is customizable for individuals or groups with curated online courses, micro-lessons, certificates, and more.
After a couple of years of social distancing and curtailed travel budgets, 2023 is the year in-person events make their return to the annual business calendar. HRO Today has a lineup of events throughout the year to reignite that spirit of professional development and camaraderie.
Nine top business leaders share their biggest failures of 2022 and the lessons they learned from them.
Automatic Payroll Systems, Inc. (APS), a best-in-class workforce management technology provider, has earned the #1 ranking for technology and support based on customer feedback in G2’s Winter 2023 reports.
Based on real characters and true stories, The Rice and Beans Millionaire is a modern-day primer on the foundational rules of financial success that aren’t taught in school or pushed by popular culture. This a “Rule Breaker” book for those who don’t yet see themselves as rule breakers. Proudly Announces Author of “Time To Awaken: Changing the World with Conscious Awareness” and Revered Mindfulness Expert Ora Nadrich has joined its Team of Distinguished Contributors.
With this implementation, the customers will see a remarkable improvement in the performance of RChilli technology. They will save a lot of time in fixing the issues as this solution will automate the entire process. The integration is also going to be very easy for the users who are using DevOps.
By adopting this modern, data-driven solution, every company can gain unprecedented insight into its total workforce, analyzing performance, costs, and outcomes in real-time.
The research team reviewed nearly 1,100 companies, scoring and ranking HR departments in eight core areas. This year, Marriott International, Accenture, Adobe, American Express, and Cisco earned Top 5 honors.
Award-winning trio: Safe in Harm’s Way, and Neon debuted their second national domestic violence campaign in Times Square and across 340+ national billboard screens in the U.S., reaching isolated victims during the busiest travel month of the year.