Fifty-three percent of U.S. Employers Deploy Green Programs in the Workplace

Buck Consultants’ second annual “Greening of the American Workplace” survey showed 53 percent of employers have green programs in place, an increase from 43 percent last year.

NEW YORK: April 21, 2010 – Going “green” in the workplace can lead to more green in the bank according to a new survey released today from Buck Consultants, an independent subsidiary of ACS, A Xerox Company, The survey showed that the number of U.S. employers with formal “green workplace” programs rose significantly last year with many organizations reporting cost savings from reduced use of paper and electricity.

Buck’s second annual “Greening of the American Workplace 2009” survey showed 53 percent of employers have green programs in place, an increase from 43 percent last year. Among the organizations that have a formal green program, more than half have implemented the following offerings:

• Recycling and paper reduction (95 percent)
• Web and/or teleconferencing (85 percent)
• Healthy living and wellness (80 percent)
• Internal green communication program (78 percent)
• Online HR communications (72 percent)
•,Green Web site via organizational intranet (58 percent)
• Online Summary Plan Descriptions (57 percent)
• Telecommuting (57 percent)
• Rideshare (52 percent)

“The survey indicates that more companies and their leadership are not only deploying green programs in the workplace but also realize the significant benefits to their business,” said Allison Artnak, director at Buck Consultants. “From increased employee involvement to costs savings, the survey is evidence that going green can boost morale and the bottom line.”

Companies surveyed identified favorable returns on investment from green programs in their workplace. Nearly two-thirds of respondents report cost savings related to paper use and electricity. While 94 percent of survey respondents list cost savings as the most desired return on investment from green programs, 82 percent cited community goodwill and 59 percent mentioned improved stakeholder perception as additional ROI measures.

A critical factor of success for green initiatives in the workplace is leadership. The survey found that 80 percent of employers with green programs include the CEO in development and communications while 86 percent of respondents appointed a dedicated leader for their green efforts.

Among employers that provide incentives to encourage green behaviors, 31 percent provide special employee recognition, 24 percent give prizes, and 9 percent provide a monetary reward.

“We learned long ago that you don’t have to choose between the environment and profit,” said Patty Calkins, vice president, Environment, Health & Safety at Xerox. “For years green innovation at Xerox has either saved us money or created new markets and new revenue. Today we share our knowledge and expertise with our customers to help them reach their sustainability goals while meeting the needs of their business.”

About the Greening of the American Workplace Survey:
The survey analyzed responses from more than 100 organizations in the United States, representing a wide range of industries including financial services, manufacturing, health care, and non-profits. Individuals who responded represent a range of management positions from managers to C-suite executives. The research was conducted during the fourth quarter of 2009, and examines the types of green processes, policies, and programs employers are using to manage environmental and operational issues.

Buck Consultants supports clients’ green initiatives by providing customized solutions that integrate measurement of employee attitudes with employee education that motivates and rewards green behavior. Buck’s solutions include GreenSpotsm, a Web site devoted to green communication that clients can use off the shelf or have customized to their needs.

ACS takes advantage of these programs and others including a comprehensive Green IT initiative to reduce power consumption, administering a program that keeps trucks moving and not idling during safety inspections reducing CO2 and many others.

About Buck Consultants:
Buck Consultants is a leader in human resource and benefits consulting with more than 1,500 professionals worldwide. Founded in 1916 to advise clients in establishing and funding some of the nation’s first public and private retirement programs, Buck is an innovator in the areas of retirement benefits, health and welfare programs, human capital management, compensation, and employee communication. News and other information about Buck Consultants are available at Buck is an independent subsidiary of ACS, A Xerox Company.

About ACS, A Xerox Company:
About Xerox:
Xerox Corporation is a $22 billion leading global enterprise for business process and document management. Through its broad portfolio of technology and services, Xerox provides the essential back-office support that clears the way for clients to focus on what they do best: their real business. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., Xerox provides leading-edge document technology, services, software and genuine Xerox supplies for graphic communication and office printing environments of any size. Through ACS, A Xerox Company, which Xerox acquired in February 2010, Xerox also offers extensive business process outsourcing and IT outsourcing services, including data processing, HR benefits management, finance support, and customer relationship management services for commercial and government organizations worldwide. The 130,000 people of Xerox serve clients in more than 160 countries. For more information, visit, or For investor information, visit

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“The Greening of the American Workplace 2009” is available to the media at no cost by contacting Ed Gadowski at 201-902-2825. It is available to other interested parties for $200 from Buck’s Global Survey Resources, 500 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ, 07096-1533. Telephone 1-800-887-0509. It also can be ordered online at

Media Contacts:
Chris Gilligan
Corporate Communications
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.

Ed Gadowski
Media Relations
Buck Consultants, LLC