Glowan Consulting Releases New Online Version of Its Flagship L3 Leadership Program

Web-based learning system delivers personal mastery of work/life integration, cultivating collaborative advantage and cultural transformation of work groups and organizations while eliminating travel for managers and executives

SAN JOSE, Calif. / February 17, 2010 – Leaders and managers seeking a personalized leadership program that focuses on total life mastery, cultivating collaborative advantage and creating a best place to work no longer need to leave the office, thanks to Glowan Consulting’s new Web-based L3 Leadership Learning System.

Divided in three phases, the program includes 360 feedback and DISC assessments, live webinars with archival recording, tele-coaching for applied learning, weekly e-tips and a personal leadership development plan. The L3 learning system is designed around three “Ls”:

– L1: Work/Life Integration & Personal Mastery by improving key areas of life including emotional intelligence, career navigation, family, social networks, financial, and life-long learning, with the ultimate goal of personal mastery and self-leadership.

– L2: Cultivating Collaborative Advantage in and between work groups and organizations.

– L3: Leading others to develop a “best place to work” culture for a work team, department or company.

The program is offered by Glowan Consulting Group, a recognized name in leadership development and executive coaching, and creator of the original L3 program.

“We created the Web-based L3 program to help leaders and managers actually absorb and implement these concepts,” said John Anderson, principal at Glowan. “Where attendance at our two-day, face-to-face workshops and live coaching sessions is not feasible, we utilize Web technology to deliver the program’s content and conduct the coaching.”

Following the four-month program, participants can enroll for in-depth sessions in the L1, L2 or L3 areas according to their needs. A 12-month coaching and learning phase frequently follows the program. A guiding principle of either version is Glowan’s unique focus on re-evaluating values and personal behavior as a critical piece of creating effective change in a leader’s work culture and in relationships.

Each L3 Leadership Learning section is comprised of the following: an individual learning plan, four tele-seminar sessions, 12 weekly leadership learning tips and two tele-coaching sessions with a Glowan L3 leadership coach.

Where participation in the program is inappropriate, Glowan offers a wide variety of webinar and self-paced learning programs to “cascade” the L3 learning to leaders at all levels.

“Many of our clients have travel freezes in place and are unable to send people to traditional classroom-based workshops,” said Marc Michaelson, a principal at Glowan. “While Glowan will continue to offer our existing L3 Leadership program, we’ll be better able to accommodate clients with expense management issues and those separated by great distance.”

About Glowan Consulting Group
The Glowan Consulting Group is engaged in the business of transforming individuals and organizations utilizing their leading edge leadership development and executive coaching activities. Our network of business professionals have broad and deep experience and are skilled not only in all facets of operating businesses but also in preparing organizations to gain competitive advantage in our rapidly changing global business environment.

Media Contacts:
John Anderson

Elrond Lawrence
Fisher Vista for Glowan