Glowan White Paper Examines Collaborative Advantage

Business Leaders Play Critical Role in Achieving Collaborative Advantage, Says New Glowan Consulting Paper

White paper examines barriers to collaboration and foundational elements of change

GLENDORA, Calif. / September 1, 2010—“Business Leaders: Without You, There is No Collaborative Advantage” is the title of the newest white paper from The Glowan Consulting Group, a leadership development and executive coaching firm.

The paper is designed to help leaders acquire and model the skills and techniques that transform mere teamwork into true collaboration, and to instill them into employees. When achieved, this results in a work environment that boasts broad employee participation, heightened creativity and superior performance—all of which combine to fuel a sustained competitive advantage in the marketplace.

None of this can happen without a leader’s open support of the necessary skills and of the collaborative environment itself, the paper argues.

“Whether you’re a CEO, VP, director, manager, project manager or supervisor, your words, actions and leadership style are all crucial to successfully cultivating you and your company’s collective ability to cooperate efficiently and effectively,” says Kevin W. Grossman, principal and senior business consultant for Glowan, who authored the paper. “Everyone in your organization needs to share authority, responsibility and accountability. All team members must trust each other and freely share information to an extraordinary degree.”

Grossman also reveals the four barriers to collaboration and the leadership learning elements that address such barriers. The elements fall into two broad categories: foundational and sustaining. Foundational elements are actions and behaviors that need to be addressed in the initial stages of a collaborative partnership. When established effectively, these elements help to form a climate of openness and trust. Sustaining elements, on the other hand, are those actions and behaviors that need to be addressed in the ongoing process of sustaining, expanding and developing collaborative advantage.

The complimentary white paper is available to download at:

“One reason that collaborative advantage is so powerful is that it can’t be purchased like hardware or duplicated easily like a Web site,” Grossman said. “Competitors who wish to cultivate this advantage must do just as you did—from scratch, step by step, overcoming all of the natural resistance and the barriers inherent in creating a synergistic environment. This means you can enjoy a substantial head start in solidifying your leadership position in the marketplace.”

About Glowan
The Glowan Consulting Group is in the business of transforming individuals and organizations utilizing its L3 leadership development and executive coaching activities. Our network of experienced business professionals are skilled not only in all facets of developing leaders and managers, but also in operating businesses and preparing organizations to gain competitive advantage in the rapidly changing global environment.

Media Contacts:
John Anderson
Glowan Consulting Group

Elrond Lawrence
Fisher Vista for Glowan Consulting
