How Can a Change in Talent Acquisition Strategy Yield Surprising Results?

How Can a Change in Talent Acquisition Strategy Yield Surprising Results?

In the pursuit of refining talent acquisition strategies, insights from a Senior Technical Recruiter reveal the impact of automating personalized feedback using AI. Alongside expert opinions, we’ve gathered additional answers that range from unconventional methods to leveraging cutting-edge technologies. From introducing gamification to recruitment to streamlining screening with AI tools, here’s a compilation of transformative changes that have delivered unexpected outcomes.

  • Automate Personalized Feedback with AI
  • Target Passive Candidates for Innovation
  • Introduce Gamification to Recruitment
  • Use VR for Realistic Skills Assessment
  • Expand Sourcing to Global Talent
  • Leverage Data Analytics for Talent Forecasting
  • Streamline Screening with AI Tools

Automate Personalized Feedback with AI

I have admittedly, (in the past) occasionally let someone slip through the cracks that I could’ve placed, by simply not being on top of my feedback and follow-up game. I’m very A.D.D., so admittedly, organization has historically not been my #1 skill.

So, I found a way to personalize AND automate my feedback/follow-up chores. I use a video AI called SendPotion that can be integrated with pretty much all the ATS systems worth using. So, I record several use-case videos, a la, “Hey, congratulations, we have an interview request for you,” or “Next round invite,” or “Congratulations, we got an offer,” and even a “Sorry, this didn’t work out, but feel free to stay in touch with me. I would certainly like to work with you again.”

The AI will swap out (in my voice) the name of whomever I’m sending it to at the beginning of the video, so it looks like I recorded a video message just for them (through the ATS tasks). Now, I know everyone gets follow-up/closure one way or another, and I don’t forget little things that can cost you. Salespeople—the same strategy works with a CRM and prospecting/account management. People love to feel special, and this is a great way to personalize it to them.

There are other similar AIs if you’re interested. I went with SendPotion for the affordability. Some have different features and capabilities, and it’s always good to really dig into those differences, demo several options, then prioritize your needs when choosing.

Also, most of these AI video tools come with analytics on how many people engage with it, click links, or respond to your email. This is very useful when trying to establish ROI or track sales team activity. I have had nothing but positive responses from those that receive my video messages.

Matthew JonesMatthew Jones
Senior Technical Recruiter, Techhuman

Target Passive Candidates for Innovation

We pivoted our talent-acquisition strategy towards increasing the number of passive candidates, with active outreach by our recruiters to professionals through LinkedIn or other professional networks, targeting a specific talent profile that can bring experience to accelerate innovation and strengthen performance, even though they were not job-searching.

The results were very positive: increasing our passive candidate percentage brought more talent and diverse perspectives due to different experiences, which improved innovation and performance. We hired better and faster for critical roles.

Sunaree KomolchomaleeSunaree Komolchomalee
Head of Human Resources, Cupid PR

Introduce Gamification to Recruitment

When an HR manager introduces gamified elements into recruitment, it directly influences the level of candidate engagement. This modern approach turns the hiring process into an interactive experience, making it more appealing to potential employees.

Candidates get a more enjoyable assessment environment, which can foster competition and motivation, revealing traits that may not surface in conventional interviews.

As a result, a company may find individuals who not only have the necessary skills but are also a good cultural fit. Consider exploring gamification in your recruitment process to add a fresh dynamic to talent acquisition.

Use VR for Realistic Skills Assessment

By incorporating virtual reality (VR) into skills assessment, an HR manager can gain a more accurate measure of a candidate’s abilities in simulated work scenarios. This immersive tech gives applicants the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a controlled, yet realistic environment. VR assessments go beyond traditional testing methods, offering a deeper insight into a person’s problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

It’s an innovative way to identify those who are adept at handling real-world tasks. Move towards a tech-forward approach and evaluate how VR can transform your talent acquisition process.

Expand Sourcing to Global Talent

Reaching beyond local or national borders and tapping into global talent can significantly widen the talent pool for an HR manager. Expanding sourcing strategies to remote workers allows access to a diverse range of skills not limited by geography. It encourages a mosaic of perspectives that can drive innovation and reflects a more globalized business landscape.

This approach can fill skill gaps efficiently and potentially bring fresh energy to the team. Start looking globally and make your company a beacon for international talent.

Leverage Data Analytics for Talent Forecasting

The utilization of data analytics for talent forecasting allows HR managers to make more informed decisions based on solid data. By analyzing trends and patterns, an HR department can predict staffing needs and identify the types of skills that will be crucial for future success. This strategic approach minimizes the guesswork in hiring and better aligns talent management with business objectives.

It amplifies the ability to proactively meet the evolving demands of the industry. Dive into the data to refine your talent acquisition strategy and prepare for the future.

Streamline Screening with AI Tools

Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in the initial screening process can streamline recruitment and reduce inherent biases. AI tools can evaluate applications consistently and objectively, focusing on qualifications and experience rather than subjective factors. This helps in creating a level playing field for all candidates, promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.

It also allows HR personnel to spend more time on human-centric aspects of the job, such as personal interviews. Consider how integrating AI into your processes can enhance efficiency and equity in hiring.

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