How Can HR Tech Streamline Talent Acquisition Without Compromising Candidate Experience?

How Can HR Tech Streamline Talent Acquisition Without Compromising Candidate Experience?

In the quest to perfect the art of talent acquisition using HR technology, we’ve gathered insights from HR Managers and Talent Acquisition Specialists. From implementing pre-employment testing to deploying AI for immediate outreach, discover the six best practices these professionals recommend for a candidate-centric hiring process.

  • Implement Pre-Employment Testing
  • Optimize Applicant Tracking Systems
  • Automate with ATS Communications
  • Create Interactive Candidate Portals
  • Balance Automation with Human Interaction
  • Deploy AI for Immediate Outreach

Implement Pre-Employment Testing

Using pre-employment tests in lieu of resume screening streamlines the selection process significantly, while giving every candidate an equal chance to perform.

Once organizations reach a certain size, resume sifting simply becomes untenable. Going through one or two resumes is simple enough, but when you have hundreds or even thousands to review, it becomes unsustainable.

Pre-employment tests, however, can be administered in bulk and are very scalable, regardless of the number of candidates. This allows you to shortlist far more efficiently, saving time and streamlining the process.

This approach is also fairer to the candidates, as it rewards the most motivated candidates. Uninterested and unmotivated candidates, however, deselect themselves, aligning everyone’s interests.

Chloe YarwoodChloe Yarwood
HR Manager, Test Partnership

Optimize Applicant Tracking Systems

In my experience, one great way to streamline talent acquisition is by using a user-friendly applicant tracking system (ATS). Make sure it’s easy for candidates to apply and check their application status. Keep the communication going with regular updates, and personalize your messages to make candidates feel valued. Simplify interview scheduling by letting candidates pick their own time slots, and ask for feedback from candidates to keep improving the process. This keeps things efficient and ensures a positive experience for everyone.

Alejandra CanizaresAlejandra Canizares
Talent Acquisition Specialist, HopHR

Automate with ATS Communications

One best practice I’ve found incredibly effective is using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with robust automated communication features. This technology streamlines the entire recruitment process by automating tasks like interview scheduling and status updates. Candidates are kept in the loop at every stage, which significantly enhances their experience.

From personal experience, this approach not only makes the process more efficient but also ensures candidates feel valued and informed. The positive feedback from candidates about feeling engaged and respected has reinforced my belief in the importance of maintaining a candidate-centric approach. It’s a win-win: smoother operations for HR and a better experience for applicants.

Ana AlipatAna Alipat
Recruitment Team Lead, Dayjob Recruitment

Create Interactive Candidate Portals

Develop an interactive candidate portal where applicants can track their application status, access company information, and receive personalized content, such as interview preparation tips and company culture videos. This keeps candidates engaged and informed.

Vanessa AnelloVanessa Anello
Professional Development Consultant, Workforce Charm, LLC

Balance Automation with Human Interaction

Although I see the benefit of recruitment automation tools to streamline some tasks, I think it is vital that companies preserve the human touch. For example, automation of communication for those unsuccessful is a huge time-saver while retaining candidate experience; however, you should use automated screening tools with great caution. These tools are not able to see beyond rigid criteria and may overlook excellent candidates who have great transferable skills. Ultimately, when used appropriately, automation tools can free up HR to focus on communication with qualified candidates, keeping them informed throughout the process and ensuring a positive experience that reflects your employer brand.

Chris PercivalChris Percival
Founder & Managing Director, CJPI

Deploy AI for Immediate Outreach

Utilize an AI phone-screening bot to call candidates within minutes of the application. Candidates are so tired of submitting 50+ applications and never hearing back that this one simple AI outreach increases our hire conversion rate by over 300%, and you can review the notes on each candidate in a fraction of the time. All the repetitive recruiting tasks, like answering FAQs and pitching your company and culture, can be easily handled by the AI voice bot, leaving you with only the most engaged and qualified candidates to action.

Cooper NewbyCooper Newby
Co-Founder, Classet

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