HR Suffers from Seven Blindspots That Hinder Its Effectiveness – New Research from League and

Today’s HR departments suffer from seven major blindspots, according to a recently released research report, HR Blindspot Report 2018. By understanding and addressing these blindspots, HR professionals can maximize their ability to achieve crucial organizational goals.

The study is based on a survey fielded from May 18 to June 17, 2018 by and Ipsos on behalf of League, the leading digital benefits platform for the modern workforce. The goal of the study was to uncover the blindspots that can keep HR leaders from reaching their objectives. Results are based on analysis of online survey responses from 538 U.S. HR professionals as well as online panel interviews from a sample of 289 employees of U.S companies.

The research uncovered the following seven blindspots:

1. An HR identity crisis that springs from conflicting perceptions of HR’s role
2. Difficulties in winning needed executive support
3. Insufficient communications with employees
4. Failures to understand employee work-life balance concerns
5. The employee desire to cope with stress in less conventional ways
6. The yearning for more personalized compensation packages
7. The true, rather than perceived, loyalty levels of employees

HR’s identity crisis is not only important in itself, it tends to impact other key blindspots. At the heart of this problem is the fact that while HR professionals are most likely to view themselves in the role of Strategist, employees are most likely to view them as Regulators. That is, employees tend to see HR professionals as either administrators or enforcers of rules.

As the research reveals, when employees see HR professionals as Regulators, they are more likely to fear HR and less likely to see HR professionals as effective. If HR professionals do not understand how others view them, then they cannot communicate and build credibility with employees or senior managers as well as they should.

“HR pros are so busy these days that it’s easy for them to lose sight of how employees and senior managers view them. But now that this report is calling the various HR blindspots, it should be easier for HR professionals to visualize and react to these challenges. In the end, that can help everyone, HR and employees alike,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of

If HR professionals can address its blindspots, they can gain a better understanding of a range of key issues, such as employees communications, compensation and even engagement. For example, the study found that HR often misunderstands the work stresses faced by employees and so is less able to address stress-related performance issues. By gaining a greater appreciation for employees’ desires, needs and challenges, HR is better able to create effective HR policies and cultivate engaging corporate cultures.

“Just like when you’re driving,” the report concludes, “it’s often the obstacles hiding in your organization’s blindspots that can do the most damage. Fortunately, by taking a proactive approach, HR teams can steer their organizations to success by turning these blindspots into competitive advantages.”

Download today: HR Blindspot Report 2018

About League
League is the leading digital benefits platform for the modern workforce, turning benefits into a competitive advantage for employers, while managing costs and empowering employees to take control of their health. League’s cloud-based infrastructure connects forward-thinking businesses and their employees with health insurance, flexible spending accounts, health content, curated health journeys and on-demand, live health support. League unlocks employee benefits to give everyone the power to act every day and live longer, healthier lives. For more information, visit

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For more information, contact:
Debbie McGrath
Chief Instigator and CEO,