InsideOut Development Announces Publication of YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO BE GREAT

Contact: Cydney Westgate
InsideOut Development

New Book Offers Counterintuitive Method to Improve Workplace Performance

Salt Lake City, UT (November 24, 2010) – In today’s fluid business environment, where market conditions and customer preferences change at the speed of Twitter, it’s essential to address performance gaps quickly and with precision. We typically try to improve performance by adding new knowledge—from books, classes and experts. But the key to getting better isn’t gathering new knowledge from the outside – it’s removing the obstacles within, argues the new book from InsideOut Development, YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO BE GREAT: A Simple Way to Remove Interference and Unlock Your Greatest Potential (Portfolio/Penguin). Written by InsideOut Development founder Alan Fine, the book offers individuals and organizations a powerful tool for achieving rapid performance improvement.

Fine’s performance model is called the InsideOut approach, and it flips the traditional model upside down. Through years of working with executives and athletes, Fine has learned that our traditional approach of adding more information – from coaches, books, and classes – becomes a distraction rather than a solution, and high performance remains elusive.

“If knowledge were really all it took to be a high performer, then all any of us would have to do would be to read that book or take that class, and we’d all be world champions,” said Fine. “But obviously we’re not. Why? The problem is not as much about knowledge acquisition as it is about knowledge execution.”

In YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO BE GREAT, Fine reveals his simple and proven approach to achieving breakthrough performance – don’t add more knowledge, just use the knowledge and skills you already have. The key is unlocking the three fundamental elements of human performance: Faith (belief in our ability), Fire (passion and motivation) and Focus (focused attention on the things that matter). This ideal state can be summoned quickly through a four-step process, which Fine has taught to top CEOs and front-line employees: the G.R.O.W. Model (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward), which he co-developed with two others 25 years ago. The G.R.O.W. Model is at the heart of Alan’s InsideOut approach to human performance, which has been adopted by some of the world’s most respected organizations, including IBM, NASA, Honeywell, Procter & Gamble, and Gap.

“I’m excited by the insight this book provides into the nature of human performance,” said Stephen R. Covey. “It gives readers the vision and the tools to exercise personal leadership by improving their own performance and public leadership by helping others improve theirs. It is a truly landmark book on helping yourself and others journey to greatness.”

ALAN FINE is founder and president of InsideOut Development, an innovative and fast-growing professional services firm specializing in corporate training, executive coaching, and organizational consulting services. In addition to being a popular trainer and speaker, Alan has spent the last 25 years as a mental performance/focus coach to top professional tennis players and golfers, musicians, and corporate executives.

YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO BE GREAT can be purchased at 800-CEO-READ, Amazon, Barnes & Noble , Borders , Books-a-Million, Indie Bound , and other major book retailers.

About InsideOut Development
InsideOut Development is a professional services firm that provides leadership, management, and front-line employee training programs; executive coaching services; team performance workshops; and reinforcement services to a large global clientele. The company, recognized as a leader in developing manager-as-coach skills, trains tens of thousands of people annually using the GROW Model and other innovative tools and programs developed by Alan Fine and the InsideOut Development team. The company also provides instructional certification and has certified thousands of facilitators in its program offerings. For more information, please visit