Michel Chikwanine has joined the roster as a Keynote Speaker for Leadership Excellence and Development Forum (LEAD2018) in Salt Lake City

HR.com has confirmed that Michel Chikwanine, Former Child Soldier, Author, Humanitarian, will join the roster of speakers at LEAD2018 in Salt Lake City on February 7th.

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Michel grew up amid the terror of the Great War of Africa. He witnessed the torture of his father, who was singled out for his political beliefs, the rape of his mother, and endured torture of his own as a forced child soldier. Much of Michel’s childhood was ravaged by the death and decay of a war that claimed the lives of 5.8 million people.

“Now a university student, Michel shares his personal story leaving audiences with a new perspective on life, a sense of hope through social responsibility and a desire for change. Attendees at LEAD2018 will find inspiration in hearing Michel’s unforgettable message,” shared Debbie McGrath, CEO and Chief Instigator, HR.com.

In addition to Michel Chikwanine, Frank O’Dea, co-founder of Second Cup Canada and Andy Fastow, former CFO of Enron, are also confirmed as speakers at LEAD2018. A list of other world renowned keynote speakers to be announced shortly by the LEAD2018 committee.

All 13 speakers will be broadcasted live from the LEAD2018 event in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Grand America Hotel via high definition web stream technology. Corporate Leaders can attend the live event as well as broadcast these world-class speakers into their workplace, community, educational institute or corporation. Find more information here: www.LEAD2018.com

About LEAD2018
The Leadership Excellence & Development Forum (LEAD) is an annual 2-day inspirational leadership event dedicated to helping organization create AN INNOVATIVE, HIGH POTENTIAL AND PASSIONATE WORKFORCE. Both days (February 7th & 8th, 2018) are action packed with Leadership and HR-specific roundtables, workshops, networking opportunities and speakers. Participants learn how to take the world’s best corporate leadership practices and concepts and put them into practice, applying them to their organizations. 13 Keynotes share their stories and are broadcasted to hundreds of host sites across the world, providing the chance to share this life changing event with their teams and communities.

This is an ideal opportunity to be immersed in the best leadership content available. Register for a live ticket and receive the summer discount of $995. Limited quantities available. Prices increase September 30th, 2017.

About HR.com
HR.com strives to help create inspired workforces by making HR professionals smarter. Over 1,100,000 HR professionals turn to HR.com as the trusted resource for education, career development, and compliance: 5,600+ lesson HR Genius on-demand training library, 400+ webcasts yearly, the largest HR certification exam preparation practice supporting SHRM and HRCI certifications, a global Leadership annual event, 12 monthly themed interactive HR epublications, and 35+ primary research reports. HR.com offers the best training and networking for HR professionals globally 24/7/365.

For more information, contact:
Debbie McGrath,
Chief Instigator and CEO