Prevention of Retaliation in the Workplace is Under-Prioritized – According to New Study by the HR Research Institute and EVERFI

Retaliation in the workplace is on the rise, yet many organizations under-prioritize retaliation prevention. Roughly one-third of organizations don’t even have an anti-retaliation policy in place. Retaliation is the most frequently filed job discrimination charge in the U.S., but current practices do not reflect this fact.

The free research report, Preventing Retaliation in the Workplace 2020, is now available for download.’s Research Institute partnered with EVERFI, a leader in digital education on critical workplace culture issues, to examine the current state of retaliation in today’s workplaces and determine the most effective approaches to help mitigate workplace retaliation and misconduct.

Prioritizing retaliation prevention has a direct effect on the incidence of employee retaliation. Among those who believe preventing retaliation is not important or somewhat important, about half (49%) also say that retaliation occurs sometimes or often. In contrast, of those that do prioritize retaliation, only 17% say retaliation occurs sometimes or often.

“Retaliation is the most common form of job discrimination charges, but employers can take simple steps to prevent and reduce employee retaliation and avoid widespread damage to their business,” stated Debbie McGrath, Chief Instigator and CEO of

Download the full report which includes details on seven key takeaways to help HR departments gain insights into effectively preventing the future occurrence of retaliation and misconduct in their workforce.



EVERFI is an international technology company driving social change through education to address the most challenging issues affecting society today. EVERFl’s workplace training packages cover a widerange of issues, from harassment and discrimination prevention, diversity and inclusion, code of conduct, and data security. The courses go beyond mere compliance training to focus on prevention–creating an atmosphere of trust and respect where employees want to do better and be better for each other. To learn more about EVERFI visit

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Jenna Watson Gudgel
PR Communications Manager, News