(Lincoln, Neb.) – Talent Plus, Inc. has launched its new website at www.talentplus.com
“At the center of this initiative is the moral of our story, ‘We make the greatest impact when we put our natural talents to work.’ This new website makes it easier to share the positive impact of our colleagues, clients, communities and candidates,” offers Talent Plus President Makenzie Rath. “We know that thoughts, feelings and behaviors are superior predictors of performance than experience, skills and education. Talent is the foundation of selection. Knowledge and skills can be trained upon being selected. Talent Plus’ mission is to discover and develop talent, creating a world where people do what they are good at and enjoy. This new website really allows us tell our story.”
Raschelle Casebier, Talent Plus Creative Director, sees the images that move Talent Plus’ brand. “This site allows us to reinfuse our brand. Part of that is the reintroduction of the plus as an art piece. The plus is a huge part of our brand symbolizing relationships since the inception of Talent Plus in 1989. It is relationships that bring us together and allow us to deploy The Science of Talent ®.” As well, it introduces the concept of Talent Plus’ approach – Recognize, Engage, Accelerate and Lead – REAL.
Offers Kate Wilson, Corporate Director of Branding and Marketing, “The journey of our website is around the moral and the story of Talent Plus. The premise of the work we’ve done on this website is a foundation of 30+ years of studying human potential and how to maximize it, the ability to create proven, customized solutions that evaluate, predict and foster talent, an ability to display our studies of top performers and the development of tools that assess innate talent and potentiality with a people-first mindset that leads to business success. We want offer holistic, end-to-end solutions across all phases of the employment cycle.”
About Talent Plus
Talent Plus, Inc. is the premier human capital and talent management consulting partner. As experts at each critical inflection across the talent lifecycle, their solutions scientifically assess, select, onboard, develop, coach, engage and retain the right people with the right talents to grow and gain a profound and sustained competitive advantage over industry peers. With offices in the USA and Singapore, visit www.talentplus.com or call 1-(800) VARSITY (827-7489).
Cydney Koukol, MA, EVP, Communities