In tumultuous times such as these, recruitment trends are constantly changing. The following details emerging trends and challenges global recruitment marketing agency CKR Interactive noted throughout 2010 that will play a large role in the 2011 recruitment realm. The ever-changing landscape can set the stage for new opportunities for those who take advantage. Social media…
Minneapolis, MN — December 15, 2010 — Arbita, a leader in recruitment marketing and sourcing solutions, is pleased to announce its newest report, “Variable Hiring Strategies in an Uneven Recovery: Finding Your Path Out of a House Still on Fire.” This succinct and thought-provoking paper answers two of the most troublesome questions that many companies…
Toronto, ON- December 15, 2010: I Love Rewards, the leader in employee recognition and sales incentive solutions, announces its role in the launch of Mobilicity’s `5Bars’ employee engagement program. The unlimited wireless carrier hired I Love Rewards to build a customized digital platform to incent and encourage cross-functional teams of employees in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton…
COLUMBIA, MD—December 15, 2010, The Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to increase their efforts relating to Veteran outreach. Many organizations are working hard to increase their Veteran outreach activities, and increase the number of Veterans entering their workforce. While much effort and emphasis is being placed on…
Cambridge, MA / December 1, 2010 — Career management can be significantly more effective when using a social solution and software that offers unique capabilities in collaboration, social networking, employee engagement and social learning, according to Zapoint, a global leader in career planning and learning technology. The company will explore this topic and present a…
Toronto, Ont- Nov 25, 2010: I Love Rewards, the leader in employee rewards and recognition, announces the launch of Toronto Star’s recognition program today, Above the Fold. “Toronto Star partnered with I Love Rewards in order to boost engagement by celebrating our employees and building a culture of recognition,” says Iain McMeekin, HR Director, The…
DES MOINES, Iowa — With 2011 fast approaching, money matters are on the minds of Americans concerned about holiday spending in tough economic times, protecting financial safety nets and making the right employee benefit selections for the upcoming year. According to ARAG®, one of the best ways to have peace of mind and a more…
Toronto, November 19, 2010: Aon Hewitt today announced, I Love Rewards, the leading employee rewards and recognition solutions provider, as the #1 Employer in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). “The number one ranking of I Love Rewards illustrates a strong alignment between the leadership and employees in creating a successful and effective culture and business,”…
DES MOINES, Iowa — Israel Kodiaga, a third-year law student from Kenya, has been named the first recipient of the ARAG Chad Hensley Diversity Scholarship at Drake Law School. The selection was based on his academic achievements, community service and personal commitment to protecting human rights. “Israel is an impressive individual with a bright future.…
Boston & Toronto, November, 18, 2010 — I Love Rewards, the leader in employee rewards and recognition solutions, today announced record results for its 2010 fiscal year. Revenue increased 108% and customer acquisition also increased by 76% year-over-year. “Our financial success is a direct result of our customers’ success,” said Razor Suleman, CEO and Founder,…