General HR

WorkSimple Redefines Business Performance with Jan 11 Release

By HR Vendor News | January 31, 2011

San Francisco, CA—January 31, 2011 Company News • WorkSimple, the company that defined results-driven performance management and is now architecting innovations in Business Goal Software, announced the immediate availability of its January ’11 release. The release makes introduces the concept of year-round Business Goals and offers new tools to make it possible. • January ’11…

HCI Announces 2011 Human Capital Summit to be Held at Omni CNN Center, Atlanta, March 79, 2011

By HR Vendor News | January 31, 2011

Event will feature High-profile Speakers & Marquee Sponsors. Washington, D.C., January 31, 2011 — The Human Capital Institute announced today the 2011 HCI Human Capital Summit, the preeminent strategic HR thought leadership event, which will take place from March 7—9, 2011 at the Omni CNN Center in Atlanta. The premier conference on strategic talent management,…

New e-Book from Impact Achievement Group Teaches Key Management Skills

By HR Vendor News | January 31, 2011

SEATTLE/Jan. 31, 2011 —Impact Achievement Group (IAG) has released an e-book to help managers develop the skills essential to their success. The e-book offers practical tips, checklists and examples that managers and supervisors can immediately put into practice. Representing the largest pool of management talent in most companies, front line managers and supervisors prove critical…

I Love Rewards and Fistful of Talent Announce Their Webinar Together: The Death of Human Resources: Long Live Employee Experience

By HR Vendor News | January 28, 2011

Boston and Toronto, Jan 27, 2011: The next generation of human capital management is here. I Love Rewards, the leader in employee rewards and recognition solutions and Fistful of Talent, leading blog presenting all sides of the talent equation, announce today their joint webinar on February 15, 2011 at 1pm ET, on the next generation…

WorkSimple Defines Business Goal Software Era

By HR Vendor News | January 27, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — San Francisco, Calif. — January 27, 2011 — Leading the charge into a new space that helps companies and employees establish, communicate, measure and analyze business goals, WorkSimple set out to clearly define a new era in business goal software. WorkSimple today outlined the key characteristics of its market-disrupting Business Goal…

SocialSmashed Launches, Powered by the Bean

By HR Vendor News | January 27, 2011

Newport Beach, CA 27 November 2010 — Broadbean Technology, the universal provider of recruiter-specific candidate sourcing technology, is thrilled to announce the launch of SocialSmashed thus providing the way to streamline the tedious task of social job posting. Social Recruiting has been a hot HR topic for some time and SocialSmashed was born out of…

New Webinar Teaches Interest Based Negotiations

By HR Vendor News | January 26, 2011

Glendora, Calif. / February 25, 2011. No matter where you are doing business, it is important to reach a common understanding with other people, whether it’s across the street or around the world. Achieving common understanding using traditional win/lose negotiations have proven ineffective in many situations and better solutions are required. That’s where Glowan’s Interest…

The International Baccalaureate Chooses the iCIMS Talent Platform

By HR Vendor News | January 26, 2011

Reading, UK (25 January 2011) iCIMS, the second largest provider of talent acquisition solutions, announced today that an international leader in non-profit education, International Baccalaureate (IB), recently signed with iCIMS to power their examiner recruitment processes. As part of their examiner recruitment efforts, the IB “places emphasis on the professional integrity of individuals in examining…

North Texas Hospitals Participating in Workforce Planning Initiative

By HR Vendor News | January 26, 2011

Educational event for area hospitals scheduled for Jan. 27 at the Marriott Las Colinas Jan. 25, 2011—The Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation (DFWHC Foundation) and OrcaEyes, developer of SonarVision Workforce Planning and Intelligence Software, announced today a partnership to work with North Texas hospitals and hospital systems to assist with future workforce needs. Baylor Health…

New Study Shows Emotional Intelligence Linked to Socio-Economics

By HR Vendor News | January 26, 2011

Centennial, Colo. — January 26, 2011 — A study recently published in Psychological Science has found evidence that people from higher-class backgrounds have lower emotional intelligence (EQ) than people from lower-class backgrounds. That could be bad for business, according to EQ experts at The TRACOM Group. A sample of more than 300 upper- and lower-class…