HR Consulting

CRG emPerform Launches Free Talent Management Webcast Series

By HR Vendor News | July 18, 2012

Ottawa, ON — July 18, 2012: CRG emPerform, a leading provider of online employee performance management software, has teamed up with several noted industry experts to create a series of free Talent Management Webcasts. emPerform’s Take 10 Series offers best-practice talent management tips and tricks for HR Professionals in easy-to-swallow 10 minute doses. The field…

Safe Terminations Reducing the Chance of Violence

By HR Vendor News | July 18, 2012

All too often management feels that removing an overly aggressive problem employee through a sudden termination, even if justified, will solve the potential workplace violence problem. The fact is that even with the best intentions a misconducted termination might be the seed of a more serious problem. A `need for revenge’ problem may develop if…

Reviewsnap Has Strong Presence at SHRM 2012 Annual Conference & Exhibition

By HR Vendor News | July 17, 2012

Reviewsnap, the leading cloud-based performance management software solution, is pleased to announced that its appearance at the SHRM 2012 Annual Conference & Exhibition resulted in unprecedented interest in its Web-based performance management software solutions. The conference, which took place in Atlanta, Ga., during the last week in June, drew just over 13,000 human resource practitioners…

UpMo Launches its Freemium Enterprise Talent Network for Employees

By HR Vendor News | July 17, 2012

Employees can now showcase their skills and ambitions, find career opportunities and build connections, making it easier for them to succeed and for their companies to retain great talent Mountain View, CA — July 17, 2012 –UpMo, the first-ever enterprise talent network, today announced the launch of its exclusive internal network, available to all employees.…

Examining OFCCP Audit Trends: Specificity and Inconsistency

By HR Vendor News | July 17, 2012

COLUMBIA, MD—July 17, 2012, the audit behavior of Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has changed dramatically in the last year. Gone are the days where OFCCP took a quick look at basic affirmative action data, and if nothing raised a red flag, they were gone and the audit closed. As an agency of…

Experts from TALX Assessment Division, pan, to Discuss Value of Assessments in Talent Acquisition and Development at IPAC Conference

By HR Vendor News | July 16, 2012

ST. LOUIS — WHO: Stacie Young, talent measurement consultant, and Gerry Groe, managing director of Business Development for TALX assessment division, pan, a leader in online assessment and talent management systems WHAT: Will share their extensive workplace assessments expertise as they deliver two concurrent sessions at the International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) 2012 Conference. Young…

One Mans Garbage is an Investigators Treasure

By HR Vendor News | July 16, 2012

As the summer haze continues, so does the exertion and in most organizations the volume escalates in terms of demand. With the record breaking temperatures we are experiencing this year, we will no doubt see a much greater incentive (air conditioned or not) to be away from work. It’s as accurate as any formula; as…

Second Installment of the Sizzling Summer Webinar Series: What to Do the Year BEFORE You Start a Talent Management Suite Implementation

By HR Vendor News | July 16, 2012

Who: Hosted by the International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM), the world’s leading clearinghouse for the HRIM (Human Resource Information Management) industry. IHRIM thanks the generosity of Infor Lawson for their sponsorship of this webinar. What: Second Installment of the Sizzling Summer Webinar Series: What to Do the Year BEFORE You Start a…

Capital Analytics and KnowledgeAdvisors Form Strategic Alliance

By HR Vendor News | July 12, 2012

Capital Analytics and KnowledgeAdvisors, two of the industry leaders in human capital measurement, have announced this week they are forming an alliance partnership. The alliance will leverage the combined strengths of both organizations to deliver a comprehensive measurement solution to clients for their learning and development initiatives. Both companies have been recognized by such organizations…

Tomorrow "The Decision" Discussion with U.S. Congressman + July "HealthCare Consumerism Radio Show" Line-Up

By HR Vendor News | July 12, 2012

[ATLANTA — JULY 12, 2012] The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism Radio Show presents its weekly schedule for July 2012 below. The HealthCare Consumerism Radio show is co-hosted by Doug Field, CEO and Founder of The Institute of HealthCare Consumerism ( and Ron Bachman, Editorial Chairman. They are joined by special guest health and benefits solution…