, the largest network of human resources (HR) executives, has announced’s Future of Talent Acquisition 2024 Advisory Board. The board of experts will guide senior HR professionals and help them understand and navigate today’s recruitment challenges and prepare for the future of hiring to ensure business success.
The Job Helpers, the trusted ally in career progression, proudly launches JobProMax, a cutting-edge AI platform designed to elevate your job search experience.
The new advisory board will provide valuable insights to help senior HR executives understand data benchmarking and HR metrics to find trends and create actionable insights to help manage workforces and organizations now and in the future.
This month, the HR Research Institute (HRRI) at celebrates its eighth anniversary as one of the most productive and celebrated human resources (HR) research institutes in the world.
What Can Be Learned from Overhauling the Performance Review Process? Revamping a company’s performance review system is a complex task, but learning from those who have done it can provide invaluable insights. Drawing on the experiences of CEOs and Operations Managers, we’ve gathered seven transformative stories. From standardizing for clarity to boosting employee satisfaction with…
How to Measure the ROI of Employee Training Programs? In the quest to quantify the success of employee training programs, we’ve gathered insights from Presidents & CEOs, among other top professionals. From implementing pre- and post-training assessments to comparing ROI across various programs, discover the eight strategies these experts use to measure the return on…
The new May Freedom Economy Index survey of 80,000 small businesses found that small businesses remain in survival mode, with 4 in 10 now delaying paying bills to manage cash flow. 7 in 10 have put all staffing plans on hold, neither hiring nor reducing staff, and 6 in 10 are now preparing for the possibility of stagflation.
Happy customers equal growth and drive revenue and profitability. But companies often neglect to consider the people behind it. Research indicates that the employee journey deserves the same level of attention as the customer journey since it can impact customer satisfaction directly.
The rising cost of healthcare, particularly prescription drugs, continues to be a pressing concern for HR professionals. Aimed Alliance, the Alliance for Patient Access, and's Research Institute conducted a study of HR professionals to investigate.
A recent HR research study reveals that few of today’s payroll functions are highly strategic, but many are some combination of strategic and administrative. In fact, only 16% of the human resources (HR) professionals surveyed identify their organization’s payroll function as highly strategic.