HR Consulting

Dr. Michael Warech, Expert in Organizational Effectiveness, Consultant, Launches warech associates llc

By HR Vendor News | March 9, 2010

Morristown, NJ, March 9, 2010 — Michael Warech, Ph. D., a veteran consultant to corporations on organizational and management issues, has announced the creation of warech associates llc ( to capitalize on the growing need for companies to better understand and manage their human capital assets. “This is a critical time for companies as they…

New Assessment Tool Helps Small Businesses Make Better Hires

By HR Vendor News | March 9, 2010

Online human resource assessment application helps companies reduce turnover and develop key talent CLEVELAND, OHIO, March 8, 2010 — PsyMax Solutions, LLC, an organizational performance software company, announced the launch of “PsyMax Express”, a human resource assessment application that helps small businesses hire and manage their talent more efficiently and cost- effectively. Industry studies prove…

Some Must Relocate to Find New Employment

By HR Vendor News | March 8, 2010

Philadelphia, PA — March 5, 2010 — As many as 15% of mid- to senior-level job seekers who found new employment in 2009 had to relocate, according to a study of job candidates by Right Management. The firm analyzed data on 26,706 individuals throughout the United States to whom it provided outplacement services. Right Management…

Inform to Co-Present with MetLife at the Wharton Center for Human Resources Financial Services Group

By HR Vendor News | March 8, 2010

Washington, DC — March 8, 2010 — Inform, the global leader in analytics and workforce planning, today announced that Mick Collins, Vice-President of Inform North America, will co-present with Betsy Zipf, Director of Analytics at MetLife, at the Wharton Center for Human Resources’ Financial Services Group meeting on March 10, 2010. The presentation, titled “Engaging…

New Paper Advocates Need for Leaders to Master Their Personal State of Being

By HR Vendor News | March 6, 2010

SAN JOSE, Cal. / March 5, 2010 — Amid the clichés, programs, seminars and endless books, a deceptively simple key exists to great leadership and it’s examined in a new article from Glowan Consulting Group. The key is mastering one’s “state of being,” according to a new white paper from Glowan, a recognized name in…

TEDS Helps Leading University to Maximize Organizational Effectiveness

By HR Vendor News | March 4, 2010

Atkins, VA — March 4, 2010 TEDS®, Inc., originator of the fully integrated enterprise-wide Talent Management solution, announced today that Washington and Lee University in Lexington , Virginia has selected TEDS as their new Performance Management system. Implementation of the TEDS Talent Management suite is already underway. Washington and Lee (W&L) is an internationally recognized…

HealthcareSource Announces New Client Wins

By HR Vendor News | March 3, 2010

Strong sales momentum driven by regional and large health systems. WOBURN, Mass. — March 3, 2010 — HealthcareSource®, the leading provider of talent management solutions for the healthcare industry, today announced the addition of several new clients as well as the expansion of services for notable existing clients from the end of 2009 into the…

Sonar6 and Wise Consulting Associates team up to deliver performance management software consultation and implementation services across the USA

By HR Vendor News | March 3, 2010

Auckland, New Zealand March 01 2010 – Sonar6, the award-winning performance management software developer, announces a service partnership with Wise Consulting, a leading consulting firm specializing in HR/Payroll technology, implementation and support. The partnership will see Wise Consulting offer a full range of consultation and Sonar6 implementation services to US clients from its base in…


By HR Vendor News | March 3, 2010

ReviewSNAP™, a leading Web-based performance management systems provider, announced today they have formed a strategic partnership with Nonprofit HR Solutions, a Washington, DC based firm specializing in human resources consulting and staffing for the nonprofit sector. This alliance was formed to enhance the delivery and support of performance management solutions to nonprofit organizations across the…

Secova Moves To Larger Building in New Jersey

By HR Vendor News | March 3, 2010

NEWPORT BEACH, CA, March 3, 2010 – Secova Inc., a leading provider of human resource and benefits management services, today announced a significant expansion of its `New Jersey Service Center’. The operation will relocate to a larger facility located in Wall, New Jersey in April of 2010 to better accommodate its’ current and future growth.…